Dual vocational education - advantages and opportunities for partnerships with vocational high schools

Dual vocational education - advantages and opportunities for partnerships with vocational high schools

Apr. 14, 2022

On April 14, 2022, an event was held on the topic "Dual training - advantages and opportunities for partnerships with vocational high schools." During the event, Mrs. Sofia Damyanova presented the dual education system in Austria, and Mr. Vasil Radoynovski provided information on Swiss support for dual education in Bulgaria. Mrs. Ina Evstatieva from the company Magnum 7 EOOD gave examples from the practice of teaching students in dual form. In the ensuing discussion, issues related to good practices to motivate students to participate in the program were touched upon.
Training in dual form is possible and is conducted in the country from the academic year 2015/2016. More and more companies, schools and students recognize the dual system and have the opportunity to see the benefits for all three partner countries. The dual training system is a way in which companies actively participate in the training of their future qualified staff. In dual form, companies have the opportunity to influence the preparation of curricula to be as close as possible to the needs of business, as well as to train and engage students in their profile and company culture, and they in turn recognize them as your future employer. Practice shows that up to 50% of students stay at work after the training course.